5 Tools for Online Business Communication

working at computer
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Your writer is in New York, your marketing team is in Chicago, your information technology (IT) staff is in India and you're, well, more or less living at the airport. In today's business environment -- where employees, contractors, consultants and partners are spread across locations -- it's crucial to have online communications and collaboration tools. They boost worker productivity and save time that's usually spent in tons of meetings.

The following five Web tools and services are changing the way we work.


1: Project Management and Collaboration Tools

online collaboration
Online collaboration
Matjaz Boncina, iStockphoto

There are several popular subscription Web services for tracking projects, posting updates, assigning tasks, sharing files and managing a mobile workforce. Some of the best-known areBasecamp,@Task,WorkZoneandProjectSpaces.

Here are some of the most common features of these online project management and collaboration tools:


  • No requirements for special software, just a Web browser and Internet connection
  • Allow employees, managers and executives to clearly track the progress of projects, seeing which ones are completed, on track or running behind schedule
  • Allow managers to easily assign different tasks to different team members and for team members to report back on their progress
  • Everyone has access to a group calendar with important dates and deadlines
  • Team members receivee-mailorRSS(Really Simple Syndication) alerts when changes or comments are made on their project
  • Users can easily share documents of any file type and collaborate on changes
  • Managers and executives can print reports on employee productivity, on-time project completion rates, et cetera
  • Freelance and contract employees can track how many hours they've worked on a given project
  • Several of these programs allow you to update project status from a mobile device like a Web-enabledPDAor cell phone
  • 一些程序可以插进其他受欢迎的业务management Web services like Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft and Salesforce.com

2: Business-class Instant Messaging

Microsoft product screen shot reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Workplace instant messaging can be a powerful collaboration tool. Faster than e-mail, less intrusive than a phone call, it's a great way to ask quick questions, share files and set up instant voice, Web or videoconferences. Programs likeAIMPro andKonoLivetake instant messaging beyond simple chat. They allow document sharing,desktop sharing,conferencingand secure, encrypted messaging.


3:. Web Conferencing and Collaboration

integrated system
Louie Psihoyos/Getty images

Companies specialize in Webconferencing, audio conferencing and videoconferencing solutions with built-in collaboration tools. Conferences are hosted on a third-party server and can be set up easily and instantly through a Web interface.


4: VoIP and Unified Communications

VoIP phone users can make calls using their Internet connection.
Photographer: Pavel Kapish | Agency: Dreamstime

By integrating all types of communication -- voice,e-mail, IM,faxand video -- over an Internet Protocol (IP) network, it's possible to manage all of your communications from a single Web workspace. Smaller businesses can use a streamlined system like the one fromSkype. Larger, more complex organizations could employeeVoIPand unified communications solutions from companies likeCiscoorAvaya.


5: Social Networks at Work

facebook screen shot
Photo courtesy of Facebook

Businesses are quickly realizing the potential ofonline social networks协作、沟通和内部和external networking. A company can create a page or group on a popular social networking site likeFacebookor build a self-contained social network with a service likeNing.

For more information about online business tools and conferencing, check out the links on the next page.


