What Is the Most Dangerous Animal in the World?

By:Alia Hoyt|
Brazilian wandering spider
The Brazilian wandering spider is considered one of the deadliest animals in the world, and its venom hits the nervous system with a vengeance.Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton/(CC BY-SA 2.0)

Some of the world's deadliest animals are feared — even renowned — for their threatening characteristics, while others fly quietly under the deadly creatures radar.

Then there are those, like the great white shark, that are improperly vilified. For all the negative publicity caused by the"Jaws" movies, the great white shark isn't responsible for many human deaths at all.


All told,sharkscause an average of10 human fatalitiesper year worldwide, and some years that number is far fewer. Shark bites are higher — there were89确认shark bites in 2022, but that still makes sharks far less threatening than many other dangerous animals.

So what does make an animal dangerous? There are plenty of things. Some have highly potent venom, while others spread disease. Some are extremely territorial and others are just plain aggressive. Let's find out which is themost dangerous animal in the worldin each of these categories.


Most Venomous Animal

Box jellyfish are widely publicized to be themost venomous creaturein the world, but the real honor goes to geography cone snails (Conus geographus), which need only aboutone-tenth as much venomas a deathstalker scorpion to kill the same prey.

These tinyshelled marine creatureslive in the reefs of Indo-Pacific region and don't come across a lot of humans, so it's pretty rare for them to kill humans. However, there are about30 recorded deathsof divers thanks to this deceivingly cute venomous species.


In fact, 65 percent of people "stung" by cone snails will die if they don't make it to the hospital on time. Currently, there's no way to treat their potent venom; the patient just has to be strong enough to hold on until enough venom wears off.

geography cone shell
The tiny, but lethal, cone snail has a venom that is up to 10,000 times more potent than morphine.
Tammy616/Getty Images

You see, geography cones are the most venomous of the 500 known cone snail species, and have about 200 potent neurotoxins to choose from when concocting a deadly venom. When they're ready to hunt, they sting their prey using a "harpoon-like tooth," which delivers a dose of painkiller-like venom that is said to be10,000 times morepotent than morphine. Try getting back to the surface under those conditions!

All that said, the box jellyfish (particularly the Australian box jellyfish) comes by its reputation honestly and kills many more people per year than the geography cone snail. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration considers them to be the most venomous marine animal in the world.

Dozens, sometimes more than 100 people around the world, die thanks to the tentacles of the Australian box jellyfish every year,20 to 40of which are in the Philippines alone. Fortunately, there is an antidote to the venom, although survivors are generally left with significant scarring.


Most Disease-riddled Animal

极小的蚊子可能不会尝试享用哟ur flesh like some predators do, but make no mistake, they are one of the most dangerous animals in the world. This is because mosquito bitescarry pathogensto humans that are ultra-deadly, including diseases like encephalitis, yellow fever, dengue fever,malaria, West Nile virus, the Zika virus and others. Between these diseases, more than725,000 people dieevery year, with another 700 million sickened.

Mosquitoes earned this dubious title long ago because they are disease vectors. These are living organisms that ingest dangerous microorganismswhen they feaston an infected person or animal. Without disease control, they then transmit the microorganisms into their next meal source and can keep doing so over and over again.


Sadly, theWorld Health Organizationsays that many of the deaths mosquitoes cause are preventable through protective steps like mosquito nets and bug spray, but are often hindered by various cultural and socioeconomic factors. Even a person who doesn't die from mosquito-borne disease is likely to endure significant suffering, possibly lifelong disabilities.

The average mosquito can spread a mosquito-borne disease better than just about any other animal on the planet.
Paul Starosta/Getty Images


Most Territorial Animal

Whatever you do, do not wander into a hippopotamus' territory: water. They will not like it and you could be in for a world of hurt. Theseultra-territorial African giantsheld the title of deadliest animal on that continent for years, and they wouldn't hesitate to defend their territory from other animals or people. They'll evenflip over boatsif they're so inclined!

Hippos kill about 500 people every year in Africa,according to National Geographic, and they don't even have to bite a person with their 2-foot (61-centimeter) long teeth to get the job done. They can easily crush a person under their up to9,900 pounds (4,500 kilograms)of girth. So, if you're in Sub-Saharan Africa orColombiaanytime soon, keep an eye out. Real-life hungry-hungry hippos are not nearly as cute as the game.


Hippos are extremely deadly animals, especially in water. They're best viewed from afar in one of Africa's game reserves or national parks.
Winfried Wisniewski/Getty Images

Most Aggressive Animal

We already mentioned hippos kill humans, but they've got nothing on this next aggressive animal. We're talking about the croc. Whether it's the saltwater crocodile, the Nile crocodile or some other species, crocodiles take the title of "most aggressive" animal in the world.

特别是,盐水鳄鱼(Crocodylus porosus) don't even need to be provoked togo after a human. These enormous (up to 23 feet [7 meters] in length), foul-tempered predators consider anything that they set their sights on to be fair game. And when humans come close to their territory, all bets are off.


Saltwater crocodiles, which live in the Indo-Pacific region of eastern India, Southeast Asia and northern Australia, also have the strongest bite of any animal on Earth, and are responsible forseveral dozen attackson humans every year.

But it's the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) that has a reputation for the most attacks on humans annually. Though researchers in 2019 analyzed 67 years of crocodile attacks on people in South Africa between 1949 and 2016 and found214 verified, unprovoked attacks— most of the wild encounters were in rivers and most victims were young boys.

Some people confuse the Nile crocodile for the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus), a federally threatened species in Florida. There hasnever been a reportof of any humans killed by an American croc in the wild. Just be sure not get the two mixed up. And best to steer clear and be aware anytime you're in a place crocodiles call home.

Nile crocodile
The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) lives in Africa and is the second-largest crocodile in the world, second only to the saltwater croc.
Ibrahim Suha Derbent/Getty Images


